
Gluten-Free Savory Crepes

Gluten-Free Savory Crepes

The French Stall pays homage to the traditional Brittany way of crafting savory crepes using buckwheat flour. Beyond tradition, the French Stall’s choice of buckwheat flour brings together authenticity, health-consciousness, and delightful crispiness. Join us on a gastronomic journey as we explore why buckwheat flour 

Why Do We Eat Crepes in France at Candlemas?

Why Do We Eat Crepes in France at Candlemas?

When February arrives, the French eagerly indulge in a delightful culinary tradition – eating crepes on Candlemas. Candlemas, known as “La Chandeleur” in French, falls on the 2nd of February each year and holds a special significance in French culture. While this ancient holiday has